
Transforming the future of clinical trails, going paper to paperless – Consent Cloud

Going paper-free is often the starting point for a company’s digital transformation, far fewer organizations have taken advantage of newer transformation tools that could provide real operational gains. Only 22% of organizations have moved to mostly paper-free processes. Why go paperless? Aside from the tree-saving benefits, eliminated paper processes enables bring long-lasting value to business. Moving to paper-free processes eliminates business expenditures on real estate simply for paper storage purposes (i.e. File Rooms) and allows to retire fax machines and printers. It also reduces ongoing costs of purchasing paper and minimizes risks associated with hard-copy documents – including loss or damage to them. Paper to paperless not only provides cost savings, but it allows to transform organization on the spectrum of innovation. Transforms the way employees work. Allows businesses to appeal to employees who are on-the-go or work remotely. Consent Cloud realized the need to modernize clinical trials as part of its Critical Path Initiative, with the goal to better prepare investigators to safely and effectively perform clinical studies of investigatory. Going paperless does not mean getting rid of every piece of paper in your life or business. Eliminating paper is not the goal, being more efficient and effective, and having access to the information needed and If that means the information is digital, then great.

There are a few best practices in the clinical trial process can be done and to adapt these changes, One such change is to implement paperless regulator binder. The age of digital transformation isn’t just for technology startups and devotee. It’s for any business that wants to keep up in today’s market,If want to improve efficiency.
Clinical trials are a complex process and the increased complexity leads to decreased efficiency. Pharmaceutical organizations want to move toward a more technology-driven clinical trial process for recording, analyzing, reporting, archiving, etc., In recent times, the progress has certainly been made in developing paperless systems that improve data capture and management. The adaptation of paperless processes may require major changes to existing procedures. But this is in the best interests of these organizations to remain competitive because a paperless clinical trial would lead to a consistent and streamlined framework. But challenges still remain toward implementation of paperless clinical trial process.

Handling clinical trial data can be an enormous and complicated enterprise. Managing the monumental amounts of paper in clinical trials can be very expensive. Hence, the pharmaceutical industry is willing to shift from the complicated and expensive paper-based clinical trials. Consent Cloud support and supervise the planning, execution and reporting of clinical trials. Electronic records decreased the costs of clinical trials.
Technology available to help. The implementation of best practices for clinical study and development conduct can streamline administrative burdens for investigator staff as well as study teams, and hopefully yield reduced costs in conducting global clinical development. Electronic consents are very important component of the clinical trial. Electronic consents are moral and statutory duties that need to be performed before enrollment of subjects in clinical trials. Consents electronically lead to a distinct set of data that can be connected to clinical data to increase the enrollment of subjects in the clinical trial. Consent Cloud keep track of deadlines of regulatory filings. Consent Cloud enhance enrollment into clinical trials, by introducing multimedia contents to consent processes and the use of touch screen technology on a mobile tablet computing gadgets.

Procedures and operations involved in clinical research operations generate a huge amount of paperwork. This can result in accountability concerns and difficulty in managing modification, approvals, and monitoring changes. By implementing digital signatures into their operations, pharmaceutical organizations can handle these hassles conveniently. Digital signatures generate a permanent electronic trail which is very important in cases of the regulatory audit. It substantially reduces the costs of storing paper-based documents. 

Madiha Javaid


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