
Integrating Clinical Research and Practice Together

Identified the divide between research and the clinical practice of medicine as one of the most censorious needs facing the clinical research enterprise today. The limited involvement of community physicians in clinical research reduces physician referrals of patients to clinical research studies, as well as the total number of investigators available to conduct the research. The findings of research conducted in academic medical centers rather than in community settings are less likely to be adopted by physicians in their daily practice. To generate relevant research based in clinical practice, community practitioners must be actively involved in the clinical trial process.

It’s is not unexpected that the uptake of evidence-based practices is slow when practitioners are not engaged in the research that supports the changes. In many instances, the characteristics of the study population, their commodities and therapeutic regimens, and the setting and conditions under which the trial is conducted bear little resemblance to typical community practice. Indeed, the outcomes are often quite different as well. It is little wonder that community physicians may be hesitant to modify their treatment practices to reflect clinical findings developed in this manner.

The divergence between physicians conducting research and those in community practice is one of the greatest barriers to successfully translating study results into clinical practice. To develop a truly learning health care system capable of self-evaluation and improvement, the currently separate systems of clinical research and practice must converge.

Highlighting difference of gap between clinical research and clinical practice, and notes recent innovations that help make research-practice integration feasible. Research into clinical practice and clinical insight into empirical study to better establish a two-way bridge between research and practice.  

Madiha Javaid


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