
Exalting Patients Recruitment in Clinical Trial 

Advance medical research and improved outcomes against diseases. Clinical trails sit at the core. Patients are at the heart of clinical trials. Patients recruitment is entire for the conduction and completion of the success of a clinical trial. Recruitment of patients in clinical trails is one of the biggest issue. According to the National Institutes of Health, more than 80% of clinical trials failed to meet their enrollment timelines because data and the numbers are extraordinary. Patient recruitment has long been a critical congestion in the clinical trials process. Clinical trial shouldn’t mean that the patient feels like they’re not being rewarded or benefiting for taking part, a clinical trial shouldn’t be viewed as a burden. Instead of sending patients immeasurable reading material, Putting together a low cost virtual clinical trial program engages patients via interactive experience without load of extensive reading material. The screening technology made available by health technology companies is a much smarter way to find qualified patients for clinical trials.  
Years ago, patient care was centered on what the doctor thought was appropriate. Patients may not have been viewed as unique individuals with different needs. But times have changed, Today patients are more knowledgeable than ever before. The technological and scientific advances of recent years have enabled easy access to information, patients are online and can connect with peers, exchange experiences and knowledge in real time, take part in advocacy and patient support groups, and contribute to real-time data generation. Patients feel empowered and expect their voice to be heard.

“No patients? no clinical trials, no new drugs” 
Patients are the real end users of drugs that are being investigated. Keeping patients in clinical trail interested using the techniques and technologies they’re used to, the internet on the other hand, is providing the opportunity to enhance patient recruitment. E-recruiting is proving to be a useful tool in recruiting study participants. It influence the power of the internet to enroll qualified candidates for clinical trials in a more timely and efficient manner than traditional one. Patient recruitment and enrollment services don’t cost money, they save money reduce the time needed to complete a trial.  

The growth of social media in spreading information and creating communities is undeniable. The advancement of digital health has kick started collaborations between pharmaceutical companies and digital health tools which has led to increased patient recruitment and engagement in clinical trials. Healthcare organizations and pharmaceutical companies take digital health seriously as a tool to attract, engage and retain patients. 
By the numbers, it comes as no surprise that pharmaceutical companies are spending significant amount of time and money towards increasing patient enrollment and retention. Relying on the investigators to find suitable patients is simply not enough. Healthcare organizations and Pharmaceutical companies adopt digital health tools to attract, engage and retain patients. Powerful social media networks and smartphones used to increase company relevance and help drive patient acquisition and retention. Patients are relying more and more on digital health tools for understanding.  

Madiha Javaid


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